Future Scope And Further Enhancements

Ducs Office Automation application is flexible enough to meet requirements of teachers, office staff and scholars. This project has scope of enhancements like:

  1. Since there are limited unique recipients to whom letters are sent from the office, this could be fixed as a list, out of which the user would be able to choose and in case of introducing a new unique recipient name, the user would also be able to add them to the list.
  2. Users and scholars have certain tasks (such as submitting teaching data), that needs to be completed before a deadline. Functionality for sending automatic email and notification reminders to them a few days before the deadline of completion of their task may be provided.
  3. Users and scholars may be provided with messaging service.
  4. Some permissions of a resource are dependent on other permissions of that resource. For eg if a user is given a permission to edit outgoing letters then that user must also be given permission to view outgoing letters. This dependency may be automated i.e. if a user is a given a permission then all the permissions on which the given permission dependents are automatically given to the user.
  5. Users and scholars may be provided with functionality of downloading and printing their documents such as publications list, Pre-PhD seminar form, title approval form etc.
  6. Appeal for Pre-PhD seminar of a scholar can be recommended by their supervisor. Their supervisor may be provided with the funcitonality of rejecting the appeal and asking their scholar for re-applying.
  7. Calculating scholar's registeration extension period may be automated based on period for which they apply for leaves, leaves extenstions and de-registeration.
  8. Code of a course is dependent on the code of the programme to which it belong. Functionality for adding same course to multiple programmes can be added so that same courses with different codes are not created.
  9. Functionality for freezing scholar's profile data after specific number of days of their registeration and allowing them to edit their profile after freezing only on their request may be provided.